From spearheading research on art's health impacts to leading creative cross-sector collaborations, my work explores how unconventional thinking can drive breakthrough solutions. Building on this foundation, I now help leaders across industries combine creativity and science to think bigger.
LIVE MUSIC FOR MENTAL HEALTH: “Live Music for Mental Health: A Pilot Study of How Concerts Influence Mental Health Stigma, Empathy, and Resource Utilization.”Health Promotion Practice. Golden TL, Sandu C, Edwards E. 2025.
Latest in Psychology Today: “The Art of Refusal: Far from being an end, an emphatic “no” is often a vital first step toward change.” 2024. Selected by editors as an Essential Read
FRAMEWORK: An Evidence-Based Framework for the Use of Arts and Culture in Public Health. Health Promotion Practice. Golden TL, Sonke J, Rodriguez A. 2024. DOI: 10.1177/15248399241228831
DESIGN FOR WELLBEING: “Intentional Spaces”: Thought Leaders on Intersections of Health, Architecture, and Design. Journal of Psychological Science and Research. Golden TL, Ray CE, Mason K, Kuge MN, Mohanty A, Tiedemann A, Magsamen S. 2024. DOI: 10.53902/JPSSR.2024.04.000565
HEALTH INNOVATION: Arts and Culture: A Necessary Component to Address Unmet Social Needs and Advance Individual and Community Well-Being. American Journal of Health Promotion. Golden TL, Feldmeth G, Terry A, Ahmadi-Montecalvo H. 2023.
DOI: 10.1177/08901171231188191
ARTS ON PRESCRIPTION: Social prescription in the US: A pilot evaluation of Mass Cultural Council's “CultureRx”. Frontiers in Public Health. Golden TL, Maier Lokuta A, Mohanty A, Tiedemann A, Ng TWC, Mendu M, Morgan N, Kuge MN and Brinza T. 2023. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016136
BRIDGING SILOS: The impact thinking framework: A process for advancing research-to-practice initiatives in neuroaesthetics. Frontiers in Psychology. Magsamen, S, Golden, TL, Towriss, CA, & Allen, J. 2023. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1129334
MORE ‘ARTS ON PRESCRIPTION'‘: CultureRx': Evaluation of a Social Prescription Pilot. Mass Cultural Council. Golden, TL, Lokuta, AM, Mohanty, A, Tiedemann, A, Ng, TWC, Kuge, MN, Mendu, M, Morgan, N, Brinza, T, Monterrey, R.
HEALTH INNOVATION: Innovating Health Research Methods, Part I: A Mixed-Methods Study of Experiences and Perceptions of Violence Among Girls and Young Women. Family & Community Health. Golden TL (2022). DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000336
HEALTH INNOVATION: Innovating Health Research Methods, Part II: Arts-Based Methods Improve Research Data, Trauma-Responsiveness, and Reciprocity. Family & Community Health. Golden TL. (2022). DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000337
MENTAL HEALTH STRATEGIES: Supporting Youth Mental Health with Arts-Based Strategies: A Global Perspective. BMC Medicine. Golden TL, Ordway RW, Magsamen S, Chen Y, Ng NWC. 2024. DOI: 10.1186/s12916-023-03226-6
PSYCHEDELICS: Effects of Setting on Psychedelic Experiences, Therapies, and Outcomes: A Rapid Scoping Review of the Literature. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience. Golden TL, Magsamen S, Sandu CC, Lin S, Roebuck GM, Shi KM, Barrett FS. (2022). Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35138585.
REDEFINING HEALTH: From Absence to Presence: Arts and Culture Help Us Redefine “Health”. Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA). Golden, T. (2022).
FICTION + MENTAL HEALTH: Generating youth dialogue through the literary arts: A citywide youth health collaboration in the U.S. Journal of Community Psychology. Golden, T.L., Sima, R., Roebuck, G., Gupta, S., Magsamen, S. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22793
MUSIC + MENTAL HEALTH: The use of music in the treatment and management of serious mental illness: A global scoping review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Golden, T. L., Springs, S., Kimmel, H. J., Gupta, S., Tiedemann, A., Sandu, C. C., & Magsamen, S. (2021). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.649840
SYSTEMS CHANGE: Public health's next step in advancing equity: Re-evaluating epistemological assumptions to move social determinants from theory to practice. Frontiers in Public Health. Golden, T. & Wendel, M. L. (2020).
RETHINKING RESEARCH METHODS: Reframing photovoice: Building on the method to develop more equitable and responsive research practices. Qualitative Health Research. Golden, T. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732320905564.
COMMUNITY CHANGE: Creating Healthy Communities through Cross-sector Collaboration. University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine / ArtPlace America. Gainesville, FL. Sonke, J., Golden, T., Francois, S., Chandra, A., Clemmons, L., Fakunle, D., … Springs, S. (2019).
"I Shall Live and Not Die”: Using Monologues Based on the Experiences of Older African Americans Living with HIV to Address HIV-related Stigma among African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky. Family and Community Health. Kerr, J., Harris, L., Glass, E., Golden, T., Crawford, T. (2020).
JUVENILE JUSTICE: Writing with incarcerated teen women: Trauma-informed pedagogy, health, and gender equity. In Lockard & Rankins-Robertson (Eds.), Prison Pedagogies: Learning and Teaching with Imprisoned Writers. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. Golden, T. (2018).
ARTS + MENTAL HEALTH: Arts, Culture and Community Mental Health, Community Development Investment Review (13)1. Golden, T. and Hand, J. (2018).
Health Communication and the Arts in the United States of America: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Health Promotion. Sonke, J., Sams, K., Morgan-Daniel, J., Schaefer, N., Pesata, V., Golden, T., Stuckey, H. (2020).
"Yet We Live, Strive, and Succeed:" Using photovoice to understand residents’ experience of justice, safety, hope, and racial equity. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice. Wendel, M., Jackson, T., Ingram, M., Golden, T., Castle, B.F., Ali, N., & Combs, R. (2019).
JUVENILE JUSTICE: Subalternity in juvenile justice: Gendered oppression and the rhetoric of reform, Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric (17:1), 156-188. Golden, T. (2017). *Selected for the Best of the Journals book series, 2018