Arts on Prescription:
A Field guide
for US Communities
Arts on Prescription: A Field Guide for US Communities offers a roadmap for creating programs that formally integrate arts, culture, and nature resources into local health and social care systems.
Arts on prescription programs allow providers to "prescribe" arts activities, cultural experiences, and time in nature to support their patients' or clients' health, wellbeing and quality of life.
I’m PROUD to have led the creation of this groundbreaking resource
with partners Mass Cultural Council and University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine!
FREE: click The image to download!
Beyond leading this Field Guide, I’ve helped hundreds of organizations build programs that link arts with health to bolster wellbeing.
I’ve now packed what I share with those clients into a new comprehensive course:
growing your impact through cross-sector partnerships”
The truth is, partnering across sectors is the toughest part of this innovative work.
How do you know WHO to reach out to, and HOW? What if arts / health partners don’t “get” each other? What if you can’t seem to get people to “buy in”?
This is what I help clients with all the time — And I want to help you, too.
“Think Bigger” equips you with everything you need
to think of and actually connect with new partners. You’ll get:
My proven 4-STEP FRAMEWORK for creating arts+health partnerships
Clear processes for identifying your potential partners (There are more than you think!)
Strategies to build buy-in and navigate challenges
Ready-to-use templates to streamline your work… and more.
The Field Guide is an amazing start. But if you want help getting your ideas off the ground, that’s what I help my clients with!—and it’s why I designed this course.
Arts on Presription:
Virtual Workshop
In this interactive virtual workshop, Dr. Tasha Golden leads attendees in exploring Arts on Prescription — including key concepts, applications, and how-to’s.
Through discussions and targeted activities, groups move from IDEA into ACTION — brainstorming and blueprinting this model of care in their community.
Attendees leave with new ideas for partnerships and initiatives, aligned goals and values, resources for continued learning, and clear next steps for achieving program aims.
A workshop to move you from IDEA to ACTIOn
PRE-EVENT MEETING to engage you on event details, including overarching goals, descriptions of your group/attendees, and logistics. This allows for workshop customization.
LIVE 2-HR VIRTUAL WORKSHOP SESSION tailored to the group.
PROGRAM WORKBOOK with reflection questions, brainstorming exercises, checklists, resources, and more.
Workshops are tailored to your organization’s needs. Pricing available upon request.
Please fill out the form on the speaker page (scroll down to blue); we look forward to hearing from you!
Planning an event? Book me for a keynote or panel here.
Looking for direct support for your work?
Reach out about consulting packages.
I’d love to support you.
Let’s Connect
From the Field Guide
The Field Guide takes you through 4 QUESTIONS that drive program creation (below). It also spotlights REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES of U.S. arts on prescription programs — revealing the feasibility and diversity of these programs!
The 4 Key Questions:
What local arts, cultural and nature resources could we refer people to, and what evidence supports their benefits?
How will we build partnerships between healthcare/social service agencies and arts/culture organizations?
How will we create systems for making and tracking referrals?
How will we evaluate impacts so we can improve over time?
“...the medicine we need right now! An invaluable detailed and thoughtful tool rooted in racial equity and community self determination...”
“...set to revolutionize the integration of arts, culture, and nature into local health and social care systems...”
Early Reviews:
“A rich reservoir of new terms and evidence laid out in an easy-to-read format makes this ... an incredible gift to Project Jericho and all those like us who are advocating for increased arts access as a response to harm and suffering.”
“...the first how-to guide for communities eager to engage the arts, in all their forms, and cultural assets to meet the vital needs of neighborhoods.”
A FEW RElated pubs:
I led the evaluation of ‘CultureRx”: The first statewide ‘arts on prescription’ model in the US:
You can access the peer-reviewed article here!
Grab the practitioner-friendly report!
Art is a critical source of health data. Learn more in this article!
People share experiences in art that they don’t share otherwise. This fact must inform and transform health research, health care, and policymaking. Read this for more.
Arts on Prescription is part of REIMAGINING health. This article explores the full definition “health” — and what it means for innovating healthcare.
Arts and culture are “a necessary component to…advance individual and community well-being.” This article shares how to leverage local community referral networks to improve access to arts/culture resources for health.