Consulting & CouRSES
I help forward-thinking leaders and organizations combine creativity, health, and behavioral science to transform their work, enhance wellbeing, and ignite growth.
I bring a unique blend of powerful science, artistic vision, and transformative thinking to help clients achieve their goals.
From product or program ideation to communications, evaluations, and growth strategies, I guide leaders to get out of their "lane,” break old patterns, and see their work in a whole new light. Let’s talk.
This game-changing digital course applies my research into creativity and collaboration to move your bold ideas into real-world action. You will:
✔️Learn and use my proven partnership framework
✔️Challenge assumptions and limiting beliefs about your work, industry, potential
✔️Identify new collaborators that can level up your work
✔️Craft messages that resonate
✔️Take action: with workbooks, templates, and more
What Can You Expect
from Working with Me?
✔️ Break Out of the Status Quo: Identify "status quo ruts" to unlock new paths and opportunities
✔️ Reframe Challenges: By shifting how you view problems, we unlock innovative solutions that were hidden from view
✔️ Rethink Strategies: Move beyond conventional problem-solving by applying evidence, creative practices, and action frameworks
✔️ Discover Fresh Ways to Conduct Research: Get a creative take on data and research methods. We go beyond confirming what you already know, to discover hidden impacts and new paths
✔️ Enhance Communication: Get actionable tools for conveying your value with clarity and resonance
✔️ Unlock Untapped Potential: Identify under-used resources, talents, and collaborators so you can elevate your work and broaden your impact
✔️ Support Wellbeing and Innovation: Prevent burnout, bolster mental health, and spark innovation by building a culture of curiosity and growth
Most of us know someone who loves taking things apart — radios, cars, computers — so they can explore all the parts and make something new.
Well, that’s what my brain does with concepts. With norms, beliefs, products, services, and industries.
The truth is, I never just see a radio (metaphorically speaking). The scientist in me sees its parts.
And the artist in me sees the different ways those parts could be assembled. It sees the parts that could be added, and the new things we could make if we got creative.
That’s why, for two decades, I've spearheaded innovative work — combining creativity, science, and bottom-up, systems thinking to forge new connections, challenge assumptions, and make the world a better place.
I want to help you do the same.
❔What if someone could break you out of your usual way of thinking—about your organization, your product or service, your role, your industry?
❔What if you could re-see your work and its “parts” ...and then imagine new connections?
What would you create?
What solutions might you find?
Creativity isn’t just about art and expression.
It’s a way of thinking that sparks leadership and change.
It’s about getting clearer on What Is, so you can create a better Next.
This is what I help clients do.

What might our work together look like?
Well, it’s science-based, creative as heck … and tailored to each client.
Applying research-backed frameworks, I’ve guided orgs of all sizes in:
Recognizing assumptions and limiting beliefs (what if your service/product is MORE or OTHER than you think it is?),
Tapping hidden potential (have you been playing small?),
Exploring ways to story-tell (are you communicating your value?),
Identifying new partners and audiences (who have you missed?), and
Creating the innovative work that sets them apart.
I’ve supported clients with:
Growth strategies, product or service design, burnout and mental health supports, communications, transitions, workplace culture and wellness, engagement and inspiration, problem-solving, research, and more.
Here’s what I know:
Your growth is on the other side of the questions you’re not yet asking.
Let’s ask them.
Don’t miss my ‘How We Human’ training, which has helped thousands bolster their mental health, support others, and get creative.
Looking for a self-paced journey? My course “Think Bigger” is a goldmine.